Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Noom: A Five Month at Goal Update

I've been at or below my goal weight now for over five months. While I no longer pay a subscription fee to Noom, I still use the free app daily to log my weight and my meals. So what's my takeaway at this point?

1. The single biggest lesson I learned was to eliminate what they call "All or nothing thinking," that tendency to say that because you ate the donut for breakfast you completely failed so you may as well eat everything in sight all day and skip your workout. Instead, I've learned to say, "That may not have been my best choice today but I still walked for 30 minutes and chose a great veggie-filled dinner. Tomorrow I'll make a better breakfast choice."

2. I've found that I really enjoy being active, that it's no longer a chore to exercise but something I look forward to.

3. I'm still daily using the tricks of the trade I learned, like making the foods I want to choose visible in the front of the fridge/counter/pantry and hiding or tossing the ones that are detrimental to my healthy choices. 

4. I still need to be vigilant in some areas like trail mix. I don't want to eliminate it completely because it's a good source of protein for me, but it's one that is easy for me to lose control over.

5. I absolutely can't survive in this journey without the support of like-minded people. Many thanks to my friends and coaches in Noom who got me through the tough times and keep encouraging me even now at goal. If you're attempting weight loss and better fitness, find someone to partner with!

I recently saw a commercial for some nutrition product (sorry can't remember what one) and the tag line really stuck with me. "Don't strive for perfection. Work at being better. Strive to make one better choice each day." 

Couldn't say it any better.